Maybe you noticed I have been a little MIA over the last month… or maybe not. 🙂
I started 2011 with an evaluation. A big one. This post, by a great friend, puts into words the way I had been feeling as well. A lot of going and doing but not necessarily a lot of accomplishing. So this little evaluation of mine has led to numerous changes, all of which I will explain at a later date. Important and relevant for now is the fact that over the past month I have been tackling, what had at one point been, a completely never ending t0-do list…. I kept adding great ideas to it and never seemed to find the time to actually DO any of them. So, I took January off… in the sense that I did not take any new clients, did not start any new projects, stopped blogging, etc… in order to make a dent in that list. My little self-imposed break from the normal has been amazing!
There was a lot of prayer that went into this decision and I am positive that God blessed. So with His help (and a lot of coffee… and a nana to watch my little ones) I became super focused (which, if you know me… that does not happen very often) and I was able to finally finish up a lot of client work, update my shop (seriously… this was a seemingly never ending task… ugh) and I have been a creation machine, pumping out lots of new designs that I cannot wait to show you!
So, take a look at what I have been working on. (And don’t forget to tell me what you think!)
The above image is of my consultation packet.
Each bride and groom get their own folder that includes all the necessary wedding stationary information, like wedding etiquette and font choices. So very necessary, right? 🙂
They also are treated with a little monogram note card set as well.

The above and below images are of a gazillion wedding invitation suites spread out over my dining room table.