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I asked for help.

And God provided.

Asher has a new friend. Her name is Amy.

Amy is a family friend and partner in ministry. And now, on Monday mornings she will also be Asher’s nanny.

Asher will have another friend on Wednesday mornings. Her name is Akenia. And her sweet baby Elijah will be joining their play time.

A huge feeling of relief has washed over me. For the first time in weeks, as I looked at my 4 pages of things I would like to tackle before baby girl arrives in May, I did not feel deflated or discouraged, but excited.

I am excited to have a dedicated work time these two days and I am excited that Asher is already having so much fun. I am hopeful for all that I am trying to accomplish over the next three months in preparation to take an extended maternity leave this summer.

So, get ready for some big things! Coming soon. đŸ™‚

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