+ daily Bible reading – sort of. I am currently about a week behind…
+ exercise 4x a week – yes.
+ work on photobooks & albums – NO. This just seems so daunting and I keep putting it off… does anyone have a good method for documenting their life that is not so time consuming?!
+ finish baby Adelee’s room – nope. I did work on it but there are a few little things I still need to finish.
+ relax – yes! (which is why I guess the last two had no’s…. :))
Wife & Mom
I pursued all the goals that I had made for these specific areas of my life but I decided I needed something a bit more tangible so I could actually measure the goals. Excited to prayerfully work towards the goals I set for May!
+ blog 4x a week – yes! (pretty much, only shy one or two posts!)
+ begin website transformation – No. Again… so daunting and seemingly less urgent so every day it gets pushed to the following day’s to-do list.
+ new designs – Slow and steady wins the race… right? Hopefully in this case that is true. I am diligently working on these collections but it is just taking a bit longer than I anticipated. I want/NEED them finished before baby comes. So the goals for the month of May have been entitled the ‘Crazy List.’ I will share it with you should I actually finish anything on the list. ha.