Intentional Mama: Letter I + Iguana


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Intentional Mama |Ashlee Proffitt
Alphabet Focus

ABC Memory Verse Printable | Intentional Mama Series by Ashlee Proffitt (

  • Talk About / Questions to Ask
    • Ask: What does this Bible verse mean?
    • Talk about how God graciously gives us direction and wisdom and counsel in life and in all our circumstances and if we are obedient, acknowledging God, listening to Him, He will provide all we need and lead us in the way He desires.
    • Ask: What does ‘obedient’ mean?
    • Ask: How do we acknowledge God (the word means ‘to know’) Talk about the privilege we have to know and be close to God, to pray to Him and ask Him to direct our way.

Intentional Mama |Ashlee Proffitt

Image via Totally Tots

Activity 1 | Make a Lizard Snack

Provide raw vegetables (spinach leaves, romaine lettuce, carrots, squash, zucchini), a cutting board and plastic knife. Show your child how to cut the vegetables. Talk about how Iguanas are mostly herbivorous (they mostly eat plants! Specifically, they are folivores,an animal that feeds on leaves). Take turns trying the different vegetables. Add them to a bowl to make a salad!

Activity 2 | Make a Snake

Use salt dough, clay or play-dough to make your very own snake zoo. If you use clay or salt dough, baking the finished product would give the child an opportunity to paint their snake creations and keep long term. You could even use an old shoe box to make a ‘house’ for the snakes!

Activity 3 | Visit the Pet Store

Take a trip to the local pet store to look at iguanas, lizards, and snakes in person. If you have a pass to the zoo, this would be a great week to go! Make sure to check out these exotic pets up close. Talk about what makes these little creatures different from other animals.

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