The past few months have been quite amazing! God has been working in huge ways in my heart and pouring so much grace on this business.
I wish I could meet you for coffee so I could share with you all the details about how this past year was so very hard. So hard. And yet God was so gracious in all that He taught me, that He is in control and that all this is not about me, but about Him. His story.
2014 has been drastically different. And it’s not because I have done anything different. I am still working harder than ever. I am still crying out to God to use me as He desires, to work through me to point people to Him, to lead them to Truth. The difference is nothing that I did rather what God did and is continuing to do. God worked and is still faithfully working in my heart. He’s providing peace where there was once so much fear. He’s providing a trust in Him where there was once a trust only in myself. He is providing creativity and passion and excitement where there was once just anxiety.
And He is graciously opening up doors that I could have never dreamed.
Two of those doors specifically are speaking engagements for incredible conferences/workshops that I wholeheartedly believe in and am so excited about! Hooray!
Stationery Academy!
Again, if I could sit down with you over a cup of coffee I would share with you how this workshop changed my life. You think I’m exaggerating but I learned more about owning and operating a stationery business in that weekend than ever before, not to mention the life-long friendships that began. Women who inspire and encourage and speak life into my business. You can read more about my experience here.
Now knowing my feelings of indebtedness to the Stationery Academy (and ALL the women you see here) you can imagine my excitement (insert: crazy squealing!) when I was asked to come and share a bit of my stationery story at this summer’s workshop. I am unbelievably excited and so honored to have this opportunity. I will have the opportunity to speak alongside (and learn from!) these incredible women, Whitney English (founder of the Stationery Academy and incredible mentor to me), Natalie Chang, Jennifer Faught and Nicolle Spitulnik of Libby Lane Press. This summer’s workshop that I will be speaking at is currently sold out but the spring 2015 dates were just announced and I am sure it will be sold out shortly as well. If you are in the stationery design business I would strongly suggest making this workshop a priority! ( for all the details!) And for those of you attending in July, I cannot wait to meet you!!
Amber Housley Inspired!
I am beyond thrilled to announce that I have the amazing opportunity to speak at Amber Housley Inspired!!
Just a few weeks ago, my sweet friend and business mentor (I feel incredibly blessed to have so many women I can reach out to in this crazy business venture) Amber Housley called to chat with me. She asked me to be a part of this year’s Inspired speaker line-up. I almost fell out of my chair. In fact, I think I did. And then I squealed. And then I said, “Are you joking?”
You see, I have come about success in this business the hard way. Owning, operating, and managing a business has not come natural to me and I look back at the last 5 years and I see a trail of mistakes.
I said to Amber, ‘What do you want me to speak on? What NOT to do in business?’ She laughed.
But I was serious.
You know what though, a trail of mistakes is an awesome opportunity to help women. I am passionate about helping women avoid the pitfalls I made early on. I am passionate about helping to point women in the right direction so that their businesses are a blessing.
I want to encourage and teach and build lasting relationships with women just like you who have creative businesses but may not currently see them as a success. And Amber Housley’s Inspired will give us the opportunity to do that very thing.
A few details that will convince you to come to Inspired are below! (So I can hug your neck and remind you just how amazing you are!)
(a little visual inspiration behind Amber Housley Inspired )
When & Where
September 14-17 in Nashville, Tennesse
This line-up! I die!
My Topic
During my time at Inspired I will be teaching all about branding. We will work together to asses your brand and whether it has truly reached its full potential. (Read more here.) And you know that cup of coffee I talked about at the beginning of this post, the one I wish we could grab together as we sit and chat about life and business, well Inspired could be that chance for you. Meet me there friend! I’ll be sitting fireside with that cup of coffee ready to chat the night away.
More information
Learn more about Inspired, a one of a kind business and lifestyle summit for creative women entrepreneurs:
Lastly, but SO important!
Register now and save on the Early Bird Rate good through June 30 (! Registrations are limited to only 30 seats to allow for close connections, relationship building and access to speakers and fellow attendees. We expect to sell out fast and are already filling up!
You can save $200 off the early bird rate using this special coupon code: ASHLEEPROFFITT
Also, be sure to follow Amber Housley + AH Inspired on Instagram. (You can also follow the #ahinspired2014 hashtag for updates and details.) Signing up for the AH Inspired Newsletter is a great way to stay in touch and be the first to know about details, dates, and the retreat.