Today is your birthday. What a gloriously special day to this mama. And though you would be seven today, this mama remembers the day your were born as if it were just moments ago.
You were a sweet surprise to us. Making your arrival only 16 months after your big brother was born. My fear of being a mama to two under two quickly dissipated and was replaced with delirious joy at the thought of raising two little boys who would be the closest of brothers.
The day you were born I had somehow convinced the doctors to quicken your arrival. Your due date was still a few days away but I just couldn’t wait any longer to meet your precious face. You came quick and settled into this world as if you had always been here. You were perfect weighing in at 8lbs 4oz.
Today is a day of celebration. We get to celebrate you and the absolute joy you brought to our family and so many.
But I do miss you. Like I-can’t-catch-my-breath miss you. My heart just aches knowing that it has been almost 7 years since I saw you last. I try to imagine what you would be like at 7. And sometimes I pray that God would let me see you. What would you look like? What would your favorite movies be? Would you love legos as much as your brothers? Would you be a reader or an athlete or both? Would you like to snuggle? Would you like eggs or avocados or neither? (because your brothers despise them.)
But though I wish to know all those things, what I do know is that you, sweet Aaden are forever loved. You are never forgotten and celebrated always.
Today is your day sweet boy. And we will celebrate you in all our favorite ways. We plan on skipping school and work, eating donuts, playing at the beach, cake baking, and birthday song singing. And like every year, we will send balloons to heaven and imagine that you are having one epic heavenly birthday party today.
I am so blessed that God picked me to be your mommy. I am so blessed that I was able to carry you for nine months. I am so blessed that I got to kiss your face and snuggle you and watch you sleep and feed you and bathe you and just be your mama for all your days. Thank you Jesus.
P.S. To celebrate your birthday we started this sweet thing called The AadenSage Birthday Project. Since your 5th birthday we have sent out more art prints than I can count, reminding mamas and daddies that their sweet babies are forever loved and never forgotten. We spent countless hours printing, packaging, note writing and praying. Your life, your birthday, you helped us bring joy and hope to the darkest of days for those who were in the amidst of terrible pain.
I am so excited to celebrate your birthday the same way this year. There is no greater way to celebrate you than by bringing light to the darkness. We will send an art print to anyone whose name is submitted!! My favorite part, is that your brothers and sister made the art this year. And it’s gorgeous. It’s seriously so beautiful. I can’t wait to bless lots of mamas and daddies with it!
The Finished Art Work.
How beautiful is this? Two designs in three color options.
P.P.S. Your mama really loves you.
If you know someone hurting, submit their name and we will send them a reminder that their precious life is forever loved, and never forgotten.
To learn more about the AadenSage Birthday Project, to submit a name or to find ways you can help go here.