Here’s a little glimpse into our weekend!
1. Styled Shoot for the Intentional Style Series
- One of my favorites to date! I can’t wait to show you the looks that Megan Michele (my stylist) created and Laura Foote captured.
- Our styling shoot days are my favorite and are made complete with mimosas. Here is a recipe perfect for fall! Apple Cider Mimosas!
- STYLE TIP: What’s hot this fall? Plaid, Flare Jeans, Wine (the color), Little Black Dress & Chunky Knits.
2. Painting the Boys’ Bunk Bed
- Worst DIY ever. We made every mistake possible and the entire project was just super frustrating. HOWEVER, the bed turned out AMAZING and completely transforms their little room.
- TIP: To skip the sanding step, use Zinnser Primer. It’s oil based and will literally stick to anything.
- Avoid Our Mistakes:
- Cover the Carpet
- Invest in a Sprayer (the amount of cracks and small parts made the process so much harder than it needed to be when using a brush; a sprayer would have made this project so much easier.)
3. Our First Real Playdate
- Although we have had lots of neighbor kiddos, church kiddos and nephews in our home, this weekend was our first classmate play date. I may have been more excited than Andrew…
- TIP:
- Order pizza for dinner
- Play as much basketball as possible
- Go to the park & make up crazy games like jumping off the swings while trying to catch a football mid-jump
4. Worship & Serve
- Our church is currently working through 1 Corinthians (you can listen here) and yesterday Aaron Proffitt worked through 1 Corinthians 13 (the love chapter). I was so encouraged and challenged by this passage and how it points to our desperate need for Jesus because we are incapable of loving perfectly without Him.
- AND God gave me a few specific things for my talk this coming week at Creative at Heart Fitting since my talk is titled: “Loving Your Clients Well.”
5. Celebrate Your Birthday With Girlfriends
- TIP:
- Try a new restaurant
- Ask silly questions like: “What should I wear to this?”
- Ask meaningful & intentional questions like: “How is your marriage?”
- Share some big dreams or goals
I pray your weekend was full of good things too and lots of rest. Praying for your Monday (and week) to be filled with encouragement & beautiful inspiration!