March Desktop & Iphone Wallpapers
Free Computer Desktop + iPhone Wallpapers | | Hand Lettering by Ashlee Proffitt


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Free Computer Desktop + iPhone Wallpapers | | Hand Lettering by Ashlee Proffitt

Happy March!

February was quite the whirlwind. Two branding clients kept my work days full of good, hard, creative work that I love. And an exciting project that I am spending a good chunk of every morning in prayer over.

As I was praying last week over this special new project, feeling overwhelmed with all the unknown and my obvious inabilities and the “you picked the wrong girl” heart, God led me to this passage in 2 Chronicles 20. Such a beautiful passage where God’s people are facing this giant thing right in front of them and their response? They pray.

Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set his face to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. And Judah assembled to seek help from the Lord; from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord.

And they pray God’s characteristics, His goodness, His power, as if to remind themselves of who He is. God doesn’t audibly respond right away and their response is this:

For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.

In seasons, in days, in moments where I feel powerless, my prayer is that Jesus would set my eyes on Him.

And I pray that over you too this month.

I pray these desktop and phone wallpapers are a reminder of this truth to you this month.


Free Computer Desktop + iPhone Wallpapers | | Hand Lettering by Ashlee ProffittFree Computer Desktop + iPhone Wallpapers | | Hand Lettering by Ashlee Proffitt

Free Computer Desktop + iPhone Wallpapers | | Hand Lettering by Ashlee Proffitt

To use Desktop Wallpaper: Click on the links below, and save the large image to your computer. Then set it as your desktop wallpaper.

To use iPhone Wallpaper + Lock Screen: Click on the links below, and save the image to your photos. Open your camera roll, select the image and click next. A box should pop up with icons (message, mail, copy, etc.) choose ‘Use as Wallpaper.’ Scale or position the image to your liking and then select ‘Set Lock Screen.’


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