This is my current go-to outfit. Post-baby bodies can be a bit tricky to dress and still look (i.e. feel like they look) nice. A few suggestions if you are currently sporting a post-baby body:
1. Start working out. 🙂 Exercise is so good for you both physically, mentally and emotionally. Trust me.
2. Invest in a great pair of ‘transition’ jeans. Not maternity pants. This made a world of difference to me. For me, wearing clothes I wore while pregnant made me still feel like I looked pregnant. Not the look I was going for. I bought a pair of dark wash, straight leg jeans right after Adelee was born that I adore. They provide great structure and the long lines of a dark wash jean is very slimming.
3. Accessorize. (Accessories always fit, no matter if those pre-baby clothes are still not looking quite right yet.)
Simple T-shirt & Jeans // t-shirt – Target | jeans – Target | earrings – Target | bangles – Forever 21 | nail polish – essie | gold sandals (actual from Forever 21) similar – Steve Madden