I’m learning that in entrepreneurship, breaking those big goals down into small action steps means you might actually accomplish the thing, even if it is slower than you might have initially wanted, even when you are tired and even when you have a million other responsibilities and would rather aimlessly be watching Monday night football. Small action steps tell your brain it is possible and motivate you to keep going.
So after months of late night work, my sweet husband has launched a very special new endeavor, Kid Theology. An endeavor that is sure to change many and one that, despite what I might have said when I was sick, tired and grumpy, I am so grateful to have gotten the chance to work together on.
We wanted to create a brand that felt aged and worn, like a classic book that stands the test of time or an old building that has weathered many storms but is still standing and still strong. We believe that teaching children about God is doing that very thing, giving them knowledge and wisdom that will stand the test of time and will stand against every storm.
We also wanted to incorporate an element of fun that could represent the beauty of childhood and serve as a reminder that although teaching your children about God is of highest importance, it doesn’t have to be stuffy or boring and instead can be lots of fun.
If you are a parent who wants to teach your children about God but don’t quite know where to start, I’ve got the perfect solution for you!