Branding Consultations | Branding Design Services by Ashlee Proffitt

As creatives we tend to self-doubt and compare and never feel fully satisfied with our business, our offerings and our brand as a whole.Through the Brand & Business Assessment consultation I will take a hard look at your existing brand and business model and in return give an accurate, objective and professional assessment that will be helpful as you move forward.


50 minute Consultation (via skype, google hangout or phone)
20 minutes evaluating current brand & business model
30-minutes creating a plan of action & answering questions

Before the consultation
You will receive branding homework to be completed 2 days prior to consultation
You will be asked to submit your client experience / collateral sample images

After the consultation
Customized summary of my insight
Customized action plan with five tangible action steps


If any of the below questions resonate with you, it is time to consider a Branding & Business Assessment with me.


We will have the opportunity to discuss the following:

We will have the opportunity to discuss your questions as well as: 

Prior to your consultation you will be given an opportunity to submit any additional questions you may have and I am more than happy to work through any topic you would like to discuss.



Click below and choose your desired consultation time.

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