but did you know that it not only exists in my decorating and design but also in my wardrobe?
I easily own 6 white tanks tops. Easy. And that is just tank tops. ha.
Our Family Fun Friday consisted of a trip to Ikea (a new duvet to replace our 6 years old disgusting one… ewwww. and a chalkboard easel for my soon to be preschooler!) that was closely followed by an afternoon of laziness. We watched movies and napped, it was perfect. Then my love and I had a little date to a new Mexican restaurant that was pure AMAZINGness. I cannot wait to go back!
+ Tank – Old Navy (actual tank from: Plato’s Closet)
+ Jimmy Choo Handbag (YEAH!)Do I need to clarify that my actual bag is not Jimmy Choo rather it is a clearance Nine West from Ross. ha.
+ Black Cuffed Shorts – Charlotte Russe (actual shorts from: Plato’s Closet)
+ Black Beaded Bracelet – Forever 21
+ Black Beaded Thong Sandal – Target