Both recipes are a wonderful hands-on way for little ones to learn about the true meaning of Easter.
The Easter Story Cookies recipe includes verses to read and actions to do, which is super helpful in relaying the message to those little minds.
We made both last year and the boys loved it (or they just loved the marshmallows!)
Making Easter Story Cookies
Resurrection Rolls
Dye Easter Eggs
Talk About the story of salvation using the colors of the eggs
Black = Sin | Red = Blood of Christ | Purple = Grace | Green = Eternal Life | Gold = Heaven’s Street
Eat Easter Story Cookies & Resurrection Rolls
Read Luke 24:1-12
Talk about Jesus’ resurrection; how the cookies & rolls were empty inside just like Jesus’ tomb!
And then have a blast doing all the fun Easter things like egg hunts and Easter baskets, explaining that it’s fun to pretend and celebrate as long as we know the real reason for Easter.