When I started the process of designing the collection I knew for certain that I wanted to include note cards and note pads. I wanted them to be special. I wanted them to carry that deeper, more meaningful message like the art prints. I started with the note card sets and created a plethora of designs and then narrowed it down to my favorites. Some have beautiful renderings of Bible verses and others I created for personalizing. Each set was made extra special with its coordinating colored envelopes. Colored envelopes add that extra touch and carry the thoughtfulness through from beginning to end, literally. Practically speaking, colored envelopes and even beautiful stationery is not a necessity, but I did not set out to create a necessity, rather something that was special and extraordinary.
When it came to the note pads, my thought was this, why not have note pads that refocus your heart and remind you of your true purpose? My desire is to bring beauty to the ordinary and what’s more ordinary than writing to-do lists or meal planning and grocery shopping? I need to be reminded of the bigger purpose, the bigger why and if I am not reminded of those things, like I said in Part 1, I become easily distracted and confused about what is truly important. The meal planning/grocery list pads are my favorite for this very reason. At the bottom of each pad is a sweet rendering of Proverbs 31:25, “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.” The reason why I do things like grocery shopping is to be able to laugh at the time to come, it means taking care of and meeting the needs of my family, planning and being prepared so I can minister to them in that way. Now I have a sweet reminder of the why, my heart is focused on the real purpose. It’s so simple, yet so wonderfully important.
What is your favorite stationery set? Do you have a favorite note pad design?
This week only, use coupon code: NOTECARD to receive 15% off all note card sets. AND use coupon code: NOTEPAD to receive 10% off all note pads.
(Purchase as many as you want! sale ends Wednesday, November 7!)