Truly authentic brands build upon truly authentic foundations.
And that foundation is you.
You have been created with passions and gifts and talents that are unique to you. You have likes and dislikes and things that make you giddy and things that make you giggle.
You have a unique story that only you can tell.
So many artists start their business and branding journey by attempting to mold themselves to look like, act like and create like those artists they admire or the competition they have esteemed as ‘having arrived.’ Molding yourself to look like someone else is like trying to wear wool sweater that is a few sizes to small; it will never quite fit and will always be a bit itchy (i.e. uncomfortable.)
You cannot effectively build and run a business when you are trying to be someone that you are not. You cannot make decisions because you will be in a constant state of confusion as to what is the right decision. You will have a difficult time pursuing clients because you are unsure as to who the right clients are. You will be discontent as you are pursuing something that you were not created to pursue; your heart will never fully be in it.
Setting a precedent for defining who you are as a person, as an artist and as a business owner gives you the freedom to be exactly who you were created to be. So, do the hard work now and set yourself up for success. Ask the tough questions and dig deep. Stop looking at what everyone else is doing around you and begin looking deep into your core to find out who you really are, who you were made to be.
Create your branding board via Pinterest. This is the first assignment I give to each of my branding clients. As a creative, seeing things visually is just as important, if not more important, than writing things down. This exercise was beyond beneficial to me and provided a renewed passion for my business.
This board should be made up of images that describe you, your ideal client, your business, your passions, your style… your favorite things. Be sure to include brands that captivate your attention and color palettes that you love. When you are pinning these amazing images that make you smile, make sure to write in the caption why or what you love about the image; this will help you have a better understanding of what draws you (and help you remember what is was exactly that you loved about that image.)
Read about my branding board here. When you are all done with your board, leave a comment here with a link so I can see what you have come up with! I will choose a random winner to give a little Ashlee Proffitt paper goodness to.
Excited to share this journey with you!!
And don’t forget, you can get all this information and so much more at the Business & Branding Essentials Workshop for Photographers (March 2 in Tampa FL)! Check out the website for all the important details. You can help us spread the word (and be entered to win a $30 Anthropologie gift card) just by liking the Facebook page and sharing the giveaway ad!