Having experienced two summers now, I knew that this summer would be no different. So I did my very best (with lots of opportunities to show myself grace) to pursue my children this summer. My desire was to simply make the most of our time together. I wanted to look back at this fleeting moment in time and remember laughter and friends and family and adventure… not errands and work and to-do lists. And while I am not perfect and my children are not perfect and there were plenty of moments of frustration and tears, I can say that overall our summer was a massive success.
I enjoyed my children. Enjoyed them fully with a heart that desired to be present and attentive. I am thanking God for answering that enormous prayer that I begged of Him at the onset of summer. So, so grateful.
I was thinking yesterday about how I want to remember this summer and while my goal is to eventually do a photobook of this entire year, I wanted something to detail this summer so I could remember it fully. I decided that writing a letter (or 2 or 3) was the perfect solution. Write out all the things we did that were so fun, the adventures we want to try again, what worked and what didn’t, memories we made and laughs we had. I am going to have Drew write one as well. I think pulling these letters out at the beginning of next summer will not only help me plan a great summer again, but will provide an opportunity to reminisce on the blessing of this summer. I may even write a note to each little with my favorite memory of them this summer.
Will you join me in writing a letter? If so, what was your favorite memory from this summer that you want to remember forever?
P.S. The Intentional Mama Series will be back in it’s regular rhythm starting next week! Hooray for intentional time with the littles we still have at home!