Swimsuits & Insecurities
Lime Ricki Swimsuit | Ashlee Proffitt | Photo by Laura Foote


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Lime Ricki Swimsuit | Ashlee Proffitt | Photo by Laura Foote

I have battled body image issues since I was 11. I remember my mom taking me to see a counselor as soon as she saw warning signs of my obsession. These issues start young and as a thin 11 year old, obviously these issues had little to do with how my body actually looked.

A perfectionist by nature I wanted a “perfect” body. And throughout most of my life this desire has not changed, it has just been managed or controlled. And to be clear, “perfect” is relative. Most women could easily and without real thought rattle off a mile long list of things they would change about their body. And I was no different.

At 23 I had my first baby, then another at 24, another at 26 and my last baby at 28. In those 5 years I saw my body shift and stretch and grow and do unbelievably remarkable things. Growing a baby is no small fete. But growing babies leaves one’s body in a less than “perfect” condition.

At some point over the last few years I had a choice to make, a choice I still have to consciously make every day, a choice about whether I would believe that my body has been uniquely created and beautifully and thoughtfully designed by God, and is capable of remarkable things, is actually good. And a good that is not compared to anyone else.

Lime Ricki Swimsuit | Ashlee Proffitt | Photo by Laura FooteLime Ricki Swimsuit | Ashlee Proffitt | Photo by Laura FooteLime Ricki Swimsuit | Ashlee Proffitt | Photo by Laura Foote

We moved to Florida nearly 5 years ago. When you are raising littles in Florida you live at the pool and the waterparks and the beaches. Basically it’s swimsuit season about 90% of the year here. I had a decision to make. Would I hide because of my insecurities? Or would I combat the insecurities with truth? Truth that says her body is not better than mine and mine is not better than hers, and that comparison never leads to a true good anyway.

I made the decision to play with my littles and my husband; a decision to enjoy the gift of where get to do life. A decision to throw off the expectations of “perfect” and to trust that what God made is beautiful.

Practically that looks like modest, comfortable and beautifully feminine swimsuits that make me feel pretty. And this collection featured here by Lime Ricki does that very thing. Gorgeous swimsuits that are modest and make me feel pretty while building sandcastles and riding water slides.

If you are a mama looking for the perfect suit for the summer, look no further. After testing out these suits multiple times, I can vouch for their quality and ability to make you feel pretty while wearing a swimsuit. No thanks needed.

Lime Ricki Swimsuit | Ashlee Proffitt | Photo by Laura FooteLime Ricki Swimsuit | Ashlee Proffitt | Photo by Laura FooteLime Ricki Swimsuit | Ashlee Proffitt | Photo by Laura Foote

Swimsuits Pictured
  • All accessories via Marshall’s.
  • Adelee’s Swimsuit by Crazy 8

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