April Wallpapers: Phones & Desktops
Free Computer Desktop + iPhone Wallpapers | ashleeproffitt.com/blog | Hand Lettering by Ashlee Proffitt


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Free Computer Desktop + iPhone Wallpapers | ashleeproffitt.com/blog | Hand Lettering by Ashlee Proffitt

Happy April friends.

March was full of spring break staycation fun with my littles and lots of good, creative work here in the office. Grateful for the opportunity to work with amazing clients both through branding work but also through coaching calls. The coaching calls were a new service added in 2016 and are currently one of my favorite ways to spend a work day!

A sweet conversation with Shay Cochrane led me back to this passage this week and I am so grateful for God’s Word and for the way He speaks through it and through godly women, too.

…let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12

Let us run the race that is set before us: the race He deemed for us, the race He has called us to. Not the race that He called your friend, sister or neighbor to. And ask Him to set your eyes on Him in your running, that He would keep them stayed on Him, not gazing to the right or the left, the races being run alongside you, but eyes that are fixed with purpose and with great discipline, fixed on Him alone.

Let us assess what is our race, what has God called us to, what are the circumstances that He has placed in front of us, that are a part of our race for our good and for His glory. Then let us assess what is the “weight”, the “sin” that is hanging on us, hindering our running hard after Him. Ask Him to reveal that to you and then to lead you to repentance, giving you a newly strengthened hope in Him alone.

I am praying this for me and for you too.


Free Computer Desktop + iPhone Wallpapers | ashleeproffitt.com/blog | Hand Lettering by Ashlee ProffittFree Computer Desktop + iPhone Wallpapers | ashleeproffitt.com/blog | Hand Lettering by Ashlee ProffittFree Computer Desktop + iPhone Wallpapers | ashleeproffitt.com/blog | Hand Lettering by Ashlee Proffitt

To use Desktop Wallpaper: Click on the links below, and save the large image to your computer. Then set it as your desktop wallpaper.

To use iPhone Wallpaper + Lock Screen: Click on the links below, and save the image to your photos. Open your camera roll, select the image and click next. A box should pop up with icons (message, mail, copy, etc.) choose ‘Use as Wallpaper.’ Scale or position the image to your liking and then select ‘Set Lock Screen.’


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